Friday, August 12, 2011

The Fourth Time is the Charm!…..........…….by Pam Todd

This is Ozzie.  He didn’t always look so groomed and soft.  One day about a year or so ago, my sister went to the pet shop to buy some dog food.  There on a chair sat a sad-looking Chinese Crested Powder Puff dog.  She asked the pet shop owner what was going on with that dog.  “Well,” the owner said, “that poor little doggie had a home for about a year, and then he was brought back.” (That’s one time!)  “And then someone else took him for another year and then brought him back,” she continued. (That’s the second time!) “He’s been staying with our groomer for the past year until we could fine him a home,” she said.  (That’s the third time!)
ozzie two
My sister phoned and said, “Guess what we have?”  Of course, I said, “What?”  She replied, “Well, there was this dog at the pet store, and he was such a little cute fuzzy dog that I brought him home!”  I asked, “What does he look like?" She said, “Well, not very good right now.  Chinese Powder Puff dogs have really long hair, and it gets matted easily, and we have a job to do combing him out and getting him groomed.  But the funny thing is they have brothers and sisters who are hairless.”  I just laughed at that image.
ozzie four
When Ozzie first came home with my sister, he stayed very close to her, following her everywhere.  If she would put a leash on him and put him in the car, he would just shake with fright, no doubt wondering whether he was going to be taken somewhere and left again. When they returned home, he would just jump and play with joy.  For a long time, Ozzie was a one-woman dog, but as time went by, he began to love the other family members, too.  Now, he loves to go in the car, but if a leash is put on him, he still seems to be concerned that he is going to be abandoned again.
ozzie one

There was one problem with Ozzie.  He loved to run down the hill and across the road to visit the neighbor’s dogs.  So, my sister and brother-in-law had an underground electric fence installed.  The first time he had on his collar and ran across that field, he got shocked and ran back to the house as fast as he could go!  For a few days, he had to be pushed out the door to go potty!  Now, he asks to go out when he needs to, stays up near the house, and comes right back to be let inside.
ozzie three
His name was Ozzie when they got him. My sister said that by nature, this breed of dog is very lovable, and once they bond to someone, they never bond again.  My sister thinks he never had a chance to bond the first three times, and has no idea why he was given back twice.  Does Ozzie have to worry now that he is going to be abandoned?  Not a chance.  This was his fourth time, and that was the charm!

This post written by Pam Todd, owner of an ArtFire Studio, for which she creates  hand-crocheted items for people, pets,  and homes.  She is an annual contributor to The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee, loves learning about all animals, and loves all the dogs and cats she has ever had. Pam is a member of the Crafting for Animals Guild on ArtFire.


Debra at Sleepy Cat Designs said...

So glad Ozzie finally found someone who could give him a forever home which is what all pets deserve. Thanks for sharing such a heartwarming story.

El at Tantalizing Stitches said...

What a beautiful story! I'm also glad he won't be crossing the street unattended. Your sister found the perfect mate :)

Creative Critters said...

What a heartwarming story! Ozzie is a very lucky dog, and I'll bet he knows it. :-)
-Michelle of CreativeCritters

Kanweienea Kreations said...

aaw what a wonderful story. Glad that Ozzie found a home. Charming dog!

JenJen said...

I'm so glad Ozzie has found his forever home with your sister. He is SO CUTE!