Friday, August 26, 2011

Oooooooops!!!……………………………….by Pam Todd

You may remember Mary Frances.  She was featured here awhile back. She had been found by her owners, Bill and Clarice, lying on her side amidst the rest of the flock, dehydrated.

mary frances four

Bill and Clarice brought her to the house, where they nurtured her back to full health.  It was several weeks before they decided she was ready to rejoin the flock.  As Mary Frances sauntered back to the chicken yard, they watched her go, being very thankful that she had recovered so well.

Just this week, I went down to Bill and Clarice’s house to buy some home grown tomatoes (gave up on growing my own a few years ago, when one evening we had the tallest, most beautiful tomato plants one could imagine, staked up all lush and green, and the next morning we had six inch stems.  Every plant had been eaten by deer.  That was a sad day.  I love homegrown tomatoes.)  And, also to buy some fresh, brown eggs laid by the mommies in their flock.  As Clarice was getting my eggs, she said, “Did I tell you about Mary Frances?”  I said, “No, is she oaky?”  She laughed and said, “Well, when she walked back to the flock that day, she stopped, lifted up her head, puffed up her chest, and crowed the biggest crow you could every hear.  I looked at Bill, and he looked at me, and Bill said, ‘I think Mary Frances just became Marty Francis!’”

I giggled all the way back to the car.  You just never know!  Apologies to Marty!

This post written by Pam Todd, a member of the Crafting for Animals Guild on Artfire, and owner of Bags and More by Pam, a shop featuring hand-crocheted items for people, pets, and homes.  Pam also supports the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee, (  She will also participate in the Crafting for Animals team’s October project to publicize National Adopt a Shelter Dog month by featuring a coupon that will donate 10% of her sales during one week of October to the Close to Home shelter.  Watch for more information on the team’s project to help this wonderful shelter.

1 comment:

Debra at Sleepy Cat Designs said...

That's too cute...but mistakes happen! And HE is still just adorable! Thanks for the update; glad he's doing okay.