Friday, September 23, 2011

Dogs Remember the Good and the Bad…… Pam Todd

I went to visit Ozzie again today.  You may remember that Ozzie is my sister’s dog…..the one that had been returned to the pet store three times before he found his forever home with my sister.

ozzie revisited oneWe were doing some work at her computer, and Ozzie was all snuggled up on his soft, fluffy blanket.  He never likes to be far away  from her or from her husband.  My sister was telling me how Ozzie wouldn’t go for a walk on the leash when they first got  him.  Last week, he wouldn’t even go for a walk on the leash with his big sister when she went to walk her Lucy.  And, a few days ago, my sister had to go to the pet shop where she had found him, sitting on a chair, waiting to be rescued. Of course, she had to put the leash on him before going inside.

Ozzie just shook.  Each time he had been returned to the pet store, someone had put a leash on him.   He associates the leash with being abandoned.  Anytime he has to wear the leash now,  he remembers that, and is very scared that he is going to be left again.  I don’t think dogs ever forget their bad memories.

Ozzie doesn’t have to worry anymore.  He has his forever family now.  Maybe someday the fear associated with the leash will be replaced with the good memories of how much he is loved in his new home, and he will have the confidence that no one will ever leave him again.

But, there are hundreds and thousands of dogs and cats across the country who have been abandoned.  Many have been lucky enough to be waiting in animal shelters for a forever family to come and adopt them.  Others are euthanized before that happens.  As we approach October, National Adopt a Shelter Dog month, please consider helping those animals who are waiting for homes.  They need food and medical treatments.  That costs money.  The Crafting for Animals Guild has chosen the Close to Home Animal Rescue as a place to give support.  Beginning October 23, and for one week, participating CFA Guild shop owners will donate 10% of your purchase price to the Close to Home Animal Rescue.  Be certain to use the coupon code provided.

Pam,, hand crochets items for people, pets, and homes.  She is a member of the crafting for animals guild, a supporter of, the elephant sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee, and loves learning about animals of all kinds.


3 Peeps Designs said...

Have they tried a harness or some other style of leash? Poor pup! Dogs never do forget... they will forgive, but not forget.

Creative Critters said...

That poor pup! Hopefully one day Ozzie will lose that fear.
-Michelle of CreativeCritters

Debra at Sleepy Cat Designs said...

At least sweet Ozzie is living in a safe and loving home. Thank you for the update.

JenJen said...

I was going to ask about a harness, too.

Poor Ozzie. I hope that, in time, he will come to realize that he's finally home!

Kanweienea Kreations said...

Yeah I was thinking that they might want to try a harness as well and see if that helps. Glad that Ozzie has a loving home now.