Its Pet Owner's Day so I've interviewed several of our Crafting for Animals Guild members' pets to find out what they think about their owners.

My owner, Debra, is so funny. She loves to take my photo but I seldom do anything the seems photo-worthy at my age of 12. (Mostly, I sleep a lot.) For example, for this photo she told me she loved my whiskers! Yikes - but she means well! So I put up with it.

Sara says that Maximo and Rosie are the reason she designs and does what she does. Maximo, the white dog, was rescued from a dog rescue. The lady had lost her job and was moving to a small apartment that didn't allow dogs and was going to put him to sleep. He was 9 months old then. Rosie, the other chihuahua, was reasued from a bad breeder - when she was 13 weeks old, she only weighted 1.4 pounds.
These two pooches are well known in the design industry for their debut in the Posh Pooch Designs' caricature. Their caricature were an instant success so Sara designed several Posh Pooch paraphernalia after them as well.

I asked Eddie why he likes to snuggle with Pam so much and he said, "You know,dogs don't like to hug. I hear it all the time from my friends. But I just can't help it and I'm not ashamed. Maybe my mom was a cat? I just can't remember."
I asked Eddie about his favorite past time and he said, "Its definitely traveling. My Pam and My Bob let me travel with them and its just great. They let me know when they are leaving by barking, 'Do you want to go?' I am ready to go in seconds - since I always carry my jacket with me. I pounce off the sofa and sprint to the door and head straight to the car. They are slow but I deal with it and wait to be let inside the car..... You know.....sometimes My Bob will go on an errand and take My Pam and leave me at home all by myself! That really irritates me. So to remind myself of My Pam I usually take out a shoe, book, or a little something from My Pam's overnight bag. I am not sure if she likes this but its the only way I survive the loneliness. I think My Pam thinks she is my number two but I hope not."

I snuggle into Mommy. I can only find her fur on her head so I snuggle there and purr to make Mommy happy - that way she won't move. I love playing hide and seek and crawl around the house with Mommy. I always manage to scare Mommy when I pop out from behind the couch. But when Mommy is not around I play with my catnip. Its the best I've ever had - I just don't know how Mommy does it. I see her making it and she lets me test it. Mommy always gives the best belly rubs and chin scratches, keep the litter box fresh and clean, and always leaves me good food and fresh water.I asked Michelle about her relationship with Calcifer and she said, "He feels safe when I comfort him when something scares him. Calcifer and I share a very intense bond, and I see that love every time I look into his pretty eyes."
Next I visited Mona of 3 Peeps Designs. There I was immediately greeted by Apple and Charlie during their daily sunbathing time. Apple is the tall one of the bunch and was brought home from the Greensboro SPCA. Charlie comes from a large family of nine litter mates from a dog that Mona's parents rescued. Like so many female dog rescues you often end up with more than one and Charlie's mom was no exception. As you can see from the picture, Apple and Charlie are very protective of Mona and have appointed themselves as her guardian. They find it their duty and obligation to take care of the mistress of the house so that they can be provided with timely feedings and back rubs.
My last visit was Linda's house. She runs Jazz It Up Designs and has a houseful of furbabies. The two cats are Dudley and Digit. The three Yorkies are Earl, Elvis, and Priscilla. Warren is the Maltese.
I tried to interview the siblings all at once but they would just all speak at once. As a result, the best way to sum up their feelings for Linda are through these pictures.
Little did I know that Dani had been waiting all afternoon. She came on a visit for Pet Owner's Day. I was shocked! Dani is my very own buddy that I had placed in a loving family home. Her mother, Anna, barged into my apartment in Saipan and I instantly fell in love with her. After a month (maybe less) of asking around for her owner, I took her in permanently and brought her to the vet. That's when, like Charlie (Mona's big fellow), I found out she was pregnant. She had several puppies and I had found good homes for them but I couldn't help keeping Dani, her first born and tiniest. In fact, I helped Anna deliver Dani - Anna was a natural mother. Right after delivery she popped the sac and licked Dani and got ready for the next delivery.
However, after moving to California, I had to find Dani a loving home. Now that Dani has situated into her new home, she recounts her past in Saipan:
Mom was so grateful that El took her in. She admitted she was a little pushy but she wanted the best for me and my brothers. I still look out the door to make sure strangers don't come in our house. Its just something I am born to do. I miss and love El but I know I am with a loving family. I loved watching her crochet and I liked to sleep under her bed.
Happy Pet Owner's Day!!!!
El of Tantalizing Stitches is the proud guild master and member of the Crafting for Animals Guild. She runs Bag Makin' Supplies at Tantalizing Stitches.
This is just wonderful! You did an amazing job with this one! I love getting to know the other guild members and their pets a little better =)
-Michelle of CreativeCritters
Adorable pets and stories! Thanks so much for helping us all get to know one another and our pet family members better...I told Chester he was quoted and his picture was included, and he just blinked and smiled!
Debra of Sleepy Cat Designs
Fantastic pets, people, and stories! Thanks, El, for such creativity in sharing their love for one another on Pet Day. Great job!
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