Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One Year Anniversary: BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Today is the one - year anniversary of BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. While many of us have not forgotten what happened and the effect it had on wildlife and our planet, there are those out there who are still working hard to clean up the mess!

I signed up to receive alerts and news from the Defenders of Wildlife and receive periodic email alerts when they need help with various issues, petitions signed, and/or letters sent in to the officials, and I do my best to support this organization and its efforts to help not only wildlife, but our planet.

Most recently I was asked to adopt a sea turtle or dolphin to help those animals that are still affected today from the oil spill, every little bit helps when you are out to change our world for the better.  Yes, they are still affected, still living in oil spilled a year ago, still dying from it, and there are still people trying to clean up the mess.  To learn more about sea turtles or to donate or adopt one, please go here: sea turtle, or to learn more or adopt a dolphin please go here.

One must ask what is being done to prevent future oil spills?  I asked that and found that instead of banning oil companies from repeating their mistakes they are instead pushing for drilling and placing our planet at further risk.  So today I ask that we all send a message to the officials stating that we do not approve of these practices and ask for stricter policies instead of rushed decisions.  To send a letter, please see Defenders of Wildlife page here.

Although we may not be able to save the world by ourselves, with the help of others we can make a huge difference.  Please consider helping on this day, the one-year anniversary of the tragic oil spill.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Thanks for reminding us and giving us the opportunity to help the creatures so badly affected by the Gulf oil spill. Breaks my heart.